Category: Photos
Other – V8
This is crew member Earle Wilde. The V8s were built and owned by Bob Vitari and Vic Bombacci. Rene Dugas photo
Of general interest
The Seabury-Tripler “M” was the first Pinto to race in Modifieds, making its debut at New London-Waterford in April, 1971. It was not however the first Pinto Modified to race in NASCAR. That honor went to Bob Judkins’s 2x. Photo from
Other – M-6
From Riverside Park 1960 program.
Of general interest
Maynard Troyer
Of general interest
Eastern States Exposition. Although Ed sometimes drove the Garuti brothers #28 in the middle of the front row, in this picture the driver appears to be too big to be he. The driver may be Jerry Humiston.
Other – 90/91
Of general interest
Martinsville, mid-’70s.
Other – 90/91
Photo by Joe Cryan.
Other – 33
Photo by Joe Cryan.
Other – 45
Photo by Joe Cryan.
Ralph Moody
Len Boehler
Pronyne Museum, Pawtucket RI. In this modern photo, Len’s #3 Vega is in the foreground, while the Koszela #15 Pinto is in the garage.
Stan Van Brunt’s respect for Ed
The restored 28 is currently on display at the Ron Bouchard Museum, 300 Lunenburg Street, Fitchburg MA.
Video footage of the 1970 Dogwood 500 can be found on the internet at this address.
Bugs Stevens
There is a Bugsy Stevens page on Facebook ( ) with pages from a scrapbook that Bugsy kept from his earliest days of racing, first in Texas while he was in the Air Force in the late 1950s, and then starting in 1960 when he returned home to eastern Massachusetts and began to race at Seekonk. This image and the three that follow are from that scrapbook.
Of general interest
The T-5 was driven by Leo Cleary and Fred Shulz, among others.
Bugs Stevens
1963-06-09 – Bugs won a feature at Seekonk for the first time.
Bugs Stevens
Bugs Stevens
Ed Flemke Jr
Of general interest
1967 – Thompson.
Other – 1
This model was built by Ben Williams.