Wall Stadium. Photo by Pete Lawlor.
Category: Photos
Ken Bouchard
Ron Bouchard
Bugs Stevens
Tony Siscone
Ron Bouchard
1980 – Thompson. The announcer is Ben Dodge.
Brian Ross
Maynard Troyer, Jerry Cook
1980 – Oswego
Ron Bouchard
Ron Bouchard
George Summers.
Stafford. Photo by Howie Hodge.
Geoff Bodine
1980 – Trenton.
Leo Cleary
Fred Harbach
Ron Bouchard
Ron Bouchard
1980 – Thompson 300. To Ron’s right (in the image) is Paula Flemke wearing a dark baseball cap. Directly behind her is car owner Dick Armstrong.
Bugs Stevens
Leo Cleary, Richie Evans
Richie Evans
Fred Harbach
Bugs Stevens
Ron Bouchard
1980-10-17 – Ed speaks out against privileged tire testing
Ron Bouchard
As a car builder and owner, Bob Garbarino was a fixture of Modified racing for more than 50 years. His “Mystic Missile” cars, numbered 4 and V4, were driven by many top drivers including Dick Watson, Gene Bergin, Leo Cleary, Denis Giroux and Bugs Stevens. Although Ed was never a regular driver of Bob’s cars, over the years he drove several: older coupes, a Mustang and a Pinto.
Satch Worley
Satch is wearing the straw hat. The #66 was built and owned by Lee Allard.
Paul Radford
Len Boehler
1980 – Thompson 300.
Bugs Stevens, Geoff Bodine