Category: Photos
Bill Slater
Red Foote, George Pendergast
Gil Hearne
Other – M-6
Catamount. Photo by John Randall.
Ernie Gahan
Fonda. Photo by John Grady.
Pete Hamilton
Buddy Krebs
Buddy in the Beebe Zalenski M-6. Image from
Other – 9
Photo from
Ernie Gahan
Red Farmer
Red Farmer
Car has been raised in order to clear the loading ramp.
Pete Hamilton
Pete gets NASCAR trophy for winning 1967 National Sportsman Championship.
1967-12-07 – New President of “Eastern Bandits” Fan Club?
Ernie Gahan
Don MacTavish
Tony Mordino
Jerry Cook
Photo by John Grady, from
2x coupe
Wall Stadium. Tommie Elliott is driving the #2.
1967-12-31 – All-Star Racing League final points and money
Note that, although Ed finished 7th in points, he was 2nd in money won.
1967-12-31 – All-Star Racing League final points 7th
1967-12-31 – Ed’s NASCAR results (incomplete)
Bill Greco
Leo Cleary
Bill Greco
Jarb Beaudoin, Bill Greco,–,–, promoter Harvey Tattersall Jr on the far right.
Bill Greco
Harvey Tattersall Jr on the right.
Len Boehler
Bugs Stevens
Bernie Miller
Photo by John Grady, from