Category: Other
Johnny Roberts
1965 – Beltsville.
Tony Mordino
Pete Corey
Photo by Pete Stoll.
Emanuel Zervakis
Ernie Gahan
Bill Wimble
Denny Zimmerman
Photo from Tami Corbett Ray.
Fred Schulz
Trenton. Photo from Tami Corbett Ray.
Dick Dixon
Malta. Photo from Tami Corbett Ray.
Johnny Roberts
1965 – Reading.
Rene Charland
Gil Hearne
Fred DeSarro
Bobby Allison, Red Farmer, Donnie Allison
Don Moon
Jocko Maggiacomo
Lou Lazzaro
Bill Wimble
Rene Charland
Photo from
Ernie Gahan, Pete Corey
1965 – Fonda. Photo by Francis Simek.
Richie Evans
1965. Photo by John Grady, from
Richie Evans
Photo by John Bisci, from
Smokey Boutwell
This is the John Stygar/Donald Ponticelli-owned $ which Ed made famous in the early 1960s. During the period of this photo, 1965, Ed was primarily driving his own car, the ¢.
Bill Wimble
1965 – Lebanon Valley.
2x coupe
The first 2x coupe, driven here by Gene Bergin, with Barney Mattie in the 7 and Fats Caruso in the 69.
Tony Mordino
Tony is climbing out of the first Bob Judkins 2x.
Bobby Allison
1965 – Wall Stadium.