Bill, in his driver’s suit, is standing with his back to the camera.
Category: Other
Leo Cleary
Merv Treichler
Bugs Stevens
Paul Radford
Maynard Troyer
Richie Evans
Richie Evans
Richie Evans
Bob Santos
1975 – Thompson.
Fats Caruso
Phil Smith photo.
Leo Cleary
Billy Hensley
The #07 cars were owned by Speedy Thomas.
Richie Evans
Tiny Lund is in the #5.
Bob Santos
Bob Judkins
Bob built the #87x for George Alkas.
Brian Ross
Fred Harbach
Photo by Paul Foshay.
Art Barry
Jerry Cook
Ken Bouchard
Ken is in front of the John Lukosavage #1, which Ed drove in early 1975.
Leo Cleary
Gene Bergin
Leo Cleary
Jerry Cook
Bugs Stevens
With Dick Armstrong, owner of the Nu-Style Racing Team.
Charlie Jarzombek
Fred Schulz
Paul Radford
Ron Bouchard
Plainville. Car owner billy Corazzo on the left, Chick Zipadelli on the right. Photo by Phil Hoyt, from