Category: Other
Jimmy Mairs
1969, March. Photo by Pete Stoll.
Jimmy Mairs.
1969, March. Photo by Pete Stoll.
Elton Hill
Red Farmer
Leo Cleary
Leo is on the far right, with his foot on the left front tire.
Ollie Silva
Gil Hearne
Dutch Hoag
Fred Harbach
Gil Hearne
Ray Hendrick, Dutch Hoag
Apologies for the grainy image, but this is a rare photo of two of the true greats of Modified racing.
Max Berrier
Paul Radford
Gil Hearne
Dutch Hoag
Gil Hearne
Bill Greco
Bill drove the Garuti-Arute #14 once or twice. Photo from
Ralph Earnhardt
Len Boehler
Photo by Dick Berggren, from Coastal 181.
Lou Lazzaro
Fred DeSarro
Pete Hamilton
Pete Hamilton
Pete Corey
Photo from Gallant Collection.
Dutch Hoag
Pete Corey
Pete Hamilton
Pete Corey
Perk Brown
1969. The ‘Honey Bear’ was built by Hubert Hensley.