First Bob Judkins coupe, mid-restoration
Category: Cars
First Bob Judkins coupe, mid-restoration
2x coupe
Original 2x coupe, restoration.
2x coupe
First 2x coupe, restoration.
1965 – Trenton 200. Photo from the Chervenak Family Collection.
2x coupe, Bob Judkins
This photo with the restored car was taken in about 2007.
2x Pinto
2x Pinto
Restoration or recreation
Photo by Pete Lawlor.
1979 – During this period, the #10 was normally stored in a garage on Adams St, Manchester. One night the nearby creek overflowed, flooding the garage. Luckily, that night Ed Jr had happened to take the car away on its hauler, and thus the #10 was spared. Photo by Howie Hodge, from
Photo by John Grady.
1960. The incident started when Dick Foley’s car got sideways. Seeking to avoid directly hitting him at 140 mph, Ed and Larry Frank in the #30 made contact, triggering the 37-car crash.
Charles Lima restoration.
I believe this is the 21x, during the time when it was running without paint.
I believe that this car was owned by Dick Dixon. It may or may not be a coincidence that it bore the same number as the Garuti #28 Modified coupe which Ed was racing regularly during the same period. Photo by Shany Lorenzet.
1957 – Riverside.
Ca 1954. Photo from Mal Phillips Collection, via
The Turner brothers’ #18, often driven by another all-time great, Dutch Hoag. Ed drove this car at Shangri-La and Fulton. As can be seen in the photo on the right, the car had a unique “airbag” suspension.
Restoration by Charles Lima.
Other – 98
Often driven by Bob McGinnis.
1963 – 09-01 – Southside. Although it’s hard to make out, that is Ed’s 21x on the outside of Ray Hendrick’s 11.
1969 – Thompson. That is car co-owner Greg Mills in the light blue, short-sleeved shirt and sunglasses.
Airborne. Photo by Bob Mackey via Mike Watts.
1961-10-01. Fredericksburg 250. According to the newspaper report, Ed’s car was decorated with a Confederate flag. During the race, Ed smoked a cigarette and for much of the race drove one-handed. He won.
Photo from David Bentley.
Thompson. Photo from David Bentley.
Fort Dix. Photo from David Bentley. That is Ed reaching into the 21x.
1 – 1970s
1975 – Stafford Spring Sizzler.